Friday, March 21, 2014

Skylark Workshop....Under Construction

I have been busy designing my next CTMH Workshop On The Go using the Skylark Paper Pack and embellishments.  As usual, I am not completely sticking to the instructions (big surprise, I know!) 
Here is my first layout:

In the workshop we will be making two 2 page layouts, 3 cards and a surprise gift item, all using the Skylark paper pack.  For the workshop you will receive:
  • Skylark Level 2 Paper Pack
  • Skylark Embellishment Asst, #Z3000
  • Slate Striped Twist Ties, #Z1864
  • Misc Cardstock and Embellishments as needed
  • And of course, lots of creative ideas.

The cost of the Basic Workshop is $25.

OR, SUPERSIZE it and order the full kit that includes all of the above PLUS a Skylark Workshop Stamp Set PLUS a full color instructional brochure.
The SUPERSIZE price is $35 (including shipping and tax)

The workshop will be on Thursday, March 27 at 6:30 pm.  As an added bonus I will do your cutting for you ahead of time.....
RSVP no later than Sunday, March 23 to make sure I have enough supplies.   Please bring your paper trimmer and your favorite adhesive.

I hope to see you soon.
Ink on my fingers, glitter on my face, and a smile in my heart.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Lets Make Some Cards....

Operation Write Home is a group that supplies hand-crafted cards to deployed heroes to write home on.  These cards have all been supplied by folks like you and me.

Once a quarter I like to host a Marathon Card Making Day for this great cause.  There is no cost to attend and we always have a fun day of friendship and creating.  I would love to have you come join me and make some cards for our soldiers.  Don't worry if you are not a card maker, we will show you how.  All supplies will be provided, but if you have something specific in mind please feel free to bring your own supplies.  If you have adhesive and a paper trimmer you could bring that would be great too.  If not, I will have some extras.

This quarter we will be making cards for Mother's Day and Father's Day, in addition to the basics (Thinking of you, Birthday, Love, Thank You, Missing You and Blank).

When?  Saturday, March 22.  The day is meant to be Open House style....drop by between 9 am and 9 pm and stay as long as you want.  Come for the whole day or just a part....but please RSVP to me ( 408-460-9678 or so I can make sure to have enough workstations and supplies for all.

Light Refreshments and Door Prizes will be provided.

I hope you can join me in supporting this wonderful group...
Ink on my fingers, glitter on my face and a smile in my heart.